Bursar Operations

Office of Student Accounts
School of Labor and Urban Studies
25 West 43 Street | New York, NY 10036
(646) 313-8420

Enrollment and Tuition

Topic Details
Binding Agreement Upon Enrollment Enrollment at the School of Labor and Urban Studies (SLU) constitutes a binding agreement between the student and the College. By enrolling, SLU commits to providing educational services, and the student agrees to fulfill all financial obligations.
Financial Obligations of Students Students are responsible for paying tuition, mandatory student fees, fines, late fees, and any other charges assessed to their account by the published or assigned due date.
Billing and Payment Timeline A bill is generated in CUNYfirst within 24 hours of registration. Tuition is due by the assigned due date, with a grace period extending until the first official day of the semester.
Implications of Unpaid Balances Accounts with unpaid balances by the deadline will be marked as ‘not in good standing,’ which may impact the student’s ability to register for future courses and access services.

Account Statement

Tuition Due Date

Dishonored Payments

Third-Party Payments

Financial Aid Payments

Overdue Balances

Bursar Holds

Dropping Courses


Tuition and Fees Appeal

External Collections

IRS Form 1098T


Updating Contact Information
Students are responsible for keeping their records up to date with a current physical address, email addresses and phone numbers in CUNYfirst. Students who wish to make a change to their permanent address, or for name and social security changes should contact Registrar.@slu.cuny.edu.

Privacy Rights and Responsibilities