Office of Planning, Effectiveness, Research and Assessment
25 West 43rd Street, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Academic Program Review
The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, the department chairs and program heads conducts academic Program Assessment on an annual basis. The annual process involves a two-phase process that includes Phase-One: departments/programs decides what programs goals to assess and the measure for assessment; Phase Two: department/programs analyze data and make appropriate curricular and/or pedagogical changes. Substantive changes are presented to Curriculum Committee and Academic Governing Council (AGC) and when appropriate submitted to CUNY Central and New York State Education Department for approvals. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and faculty representative will present findings to the Planning Council.
Administrative and Educational Support Program Review
The Director of Institutional Research and Assessment conducts a three-year summative evaluation of administrative, community/public services. Two departments will be selected annually review. The process will involve the evaluation of strengths and challenges identify opportunities and provide recommendations for improving results and use of results as it relates to the Schools mission and strategic plan. The IRA Director and unit heads involved in the cycle’s assessment will report findings to Council.
Below is the calendar of AES Program Review activities:
Draft of AES Program Review Guidelines
Institutional Assessment Plan
The Institutional Assessment Plan (IAP) is being produced by the Planning Council for presentation to the SLU community in spring 2020, in anticipation of the fall 2020 launch of academic and administrative assessment activities.