The Center for Teaching and Learning(CTL) at School of Labor and Urban Studies is here to support faculty in their work and professional development. Our mission is to explore and foster inclusive, evidence-based teaching practices. We aim to facilitate the development of vibrant, challenging, and reflective student-centered learning experiences.

Faculty Support
Technology Resources
There are many technology-based enhancements and supports for teaching and learning available throughout SLU and CUNY. Here we’ve combined information on the most commonly used technology resources for your course(s.) The trend in pedagogy towards incorporating digital resources is increasing and can seem overwhelming. However, while some technologies are unavoidable, many others are options that can help you maximize the access, outreach and impact of your teaching.
This page will describe both the necessary and optional digital aids available for teaching at SLU including: SLU email, CUNYfirst, Blackboard, Zoom, Microsoft Office, and Dropbox.
A best practice at CUNY is to use your SLU email address to communicate with students, and to send emails to their SLU email addresses. This helps contain your official messages to students in a secure and properly provisioned platform. There are many critical communications regarding registration, grades, financial aid, and graduation that students will only receive through their designated SLU email address. By using this email address for your classroom communications we can encourage students to regularly check their SLU email accounts and not miss vital information or deadlines during their academic careers.
Your SLU email can be accessed via web browser, add to an email client like Outlook and added to your smartphone’s mail app.
Log in through CUNY Outlook Web Access once you have your SLU email account details, :
username: co\username
password: *********
SLU email accounts are managed through Microsoft Exchange. This means you can access your account with any email app that supports Exchange, including Outlook for Windows or Mac, Outlook for Android, and Outlook for iOS.
If you’d like to set up Outlook for an app on your computer or mobile device, please contact the IT Help Desk.
Teaching at SLU
Pedagogy and Best Practices
OER, fair use guidelines
Faculty Handbook (pdf) with context/info
Faculty Travel Information
CUNY tenure, promotion, & leadership info
CUNY faculty employment info
Faculty Research
Research guidance and regulations (incl. IRB/HRPP)
Grants management information
Spotlight on CUNY or RF resource
Funding opportunities – Internal & External
CUNY & RF faculty research links
Learning Outcomes
Aligning course and program outcomes
Learning Outcomes and your syllabus
Periodic Program Assessment
MSCHE Accreditation
New Program Development
Required docs / forms with explanatory info
Flowchart / graphic and text outlining process
Curriculum Committee info
CUNY Guidance and External Guidelines