Welcome to CUNY SLU’s Pre-College Hub!
On this page you will find resources designed to help you succeed in your first year at SLU – and beyond. These include information about the First Year Seminar: The City, Labor and Social Justice, Literacy Workshops, Numeracy Workshops, Career Development Workshop and links to other future and current student resources.

Student Services
First Year Seminar: The City, Labor and Social Justice
This seminar is designed to help you become a successful member of the SLU community. Over the course of the semester, we will be completing several assignments meant to help you cultivate good academic habits, such as reflective reading and writing, effective study skills, and productive communication. This course is meant to help you build a personalized education and career plan and instill a sense of personal responsibility for your experience here at SLU.
FYS Workshops
These workshops are designed to introduce incoming students to concepts and practices of college-level literacy and numeracy in preparation for SLU courses. The literacy modules should be completed by all students enrolled to take Writing I, while the numeracy modules should be completed prior to taking Statistics for Social Change. Please allow yourself about three weeks, working about four hours per week, to complete either the literacy or numeracy modules.
Literacy Workshops
Welcome to the beginning of an exciting literacy journey! This workshop will introduce you to a literacy framework that will enable you to effectively read and write at the college-level. You will employ critical thinking skills and academic writing concepts to successfully engage with literacies in your current or future majors, in your careers, and in pursuits beyond college. You will strengthen your literacy skills by building upon theoretical and pedagogical frameworks.
Numeracy Workshops
This seminar is designed to help you succeed in the math courses you take at CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies. Throughout this course, you will complete several assignments that will increase your confidence in drawing inferences from data and help you critically evaluate numerical information you encounter in your everyday life, including in popular media, in your careers, and subsequent math courses at CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies.
Career Development
Navigating a job search or finding the right roles to apply to can be challenging. The Career Development webpage will help you identify, understand, and map the best career pathway for you to be successful. This section also includes the latest resources to help you get prepared to navigate your career journey.
Other Resources
- The Learning Hub – offers an array of programming to support SLU students in their coursework, including both one-to-one sessions and workshops.
- Career & Professional Development – assists undergraduate, graduate, non-degree students with career exploration, job search, identifying and securing internships.