Be aware of fraudsters and scams! Learn about online tuition scams and how you can avoid being targeted by them.
Fraudsters often offer discounts on school tuition if the victim makes a tuition payment via the fraudsters. These fraudsters are using stolen credit card information and students ultimately end up with a balance even after paying the fraudsters.
- Scammers target international students at a higher rate compared to domestic students (scammers have especially targeted students using the popular app, WeChat)
- Scammers often promise an approximate 5% discount on tuition payments for students who use their 3rd-party services
- Victims are asked to provide their University login credentials and their credit card information
Protect Yourself! We strongly caution students to never share their online credentials with anyone.
- Never share your online credentials with anyone!
- Only use payment methods approved by CUNY, such as the Nelnet Payment Plan
- Advise your parents or authorized payers not to respond to any 3rd party solicitations for payment of tuition and fees at a discount
Bursar Operations
School of Labor and Urban Studies
25 West 43 Street
New York, NY 10036
Call (646) 313-8420