The Office of Planning, Effectiveness, Research and Assessment (OPERA) provides data, analysis, assessment, planning, and research support for the School of Labor and Urban Studies. The work of OPERA supports ad-hoc and on-going research projects, academic and administrative decision making, accreditation, assessment, and institutional effectiveness. OPERA can be reached by contacting: Elizabeth Sergile, Director of Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness Christina Johnson, Associate Director of Institutional Research and Assessment.

Office of Planning, Effectiveness, Research and Assessment
25 West 43rd Street, 19th Floor New York, NY 10036
Under the umbrella of the Graduate School and University Center, the School of Labor and Urban Studies is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. In accordance with Middle States expectations, SLU has engaged in a comprehensive self-study that culminated in a visit to SLU by a team of Middle States peer reviewers in the fall of 2020. The self-study report addresses the seven areas identified by Middle States as standards for accreditation: mission and goals; ethics and integrity; design and delivery of student learning experience; support of student experience; educational effectiveness and assessment; planning resources and institutional improvement; and governance, leadership, and administration. (Middle States link Click on the following links to learn more about our accreditation process, and the Graduate School and University Center’s latest successful reaccreditation in March 2021.