CWA Local 1180 supports eligible union members interested in furthering their education at SLU, whether it be in government, public service, community building, or labor leadership. Local 1180’s Education Fund will provide 30 credits of free tuition for eligible members who enroll in SLU’s undergraduate or graduate-level programs in Labor or Urban Studies.

Maureen LaMar
Tuition Voucher and Benefits
- Local 1180’s Education Fund will pay up to 30 credits in tuition and fees for both undergraduate and graduate study for eligible members
- Full tuition for a limited number of Local 1180 members who are pursuing an Master’s in Labor Studies
- $400 tuition reimbursement per semester that can be applied to cover additional tuition costs to complete your degree
About Our Programs
Urban Leadership: Public Administration and Urban Studies
Students in Urban Studies at SLU study public management and public administration and will acquire a deeper understanding of the structure and effectiveness of public agencies. They will also develop research, writing, analytical, budgeting, decision-making, and supervisory skills that are useful in everyday work. This program is ideally suited for those interested in gaining important education credentials and advancing their careers in city government.
Topics of discussion also include:
- Housing, education, health care, transportation, the environment, and public safety
- Politics and power in the city and their implications for policy formulation and implementation
- The social and economic problems confronting working-class communities, racial discrimination and disparities in opportunities
- The urban economy and economic development
- Equitable tax policy and the public budget process
- Personnel practices, management, leadership, ethics, and accountability
- Evaluation of public policy, its implementation, and its effectiveness
Degree and Certificate Programs in the Urban Leadership Program:
Labor Leadership: Labor Relations and Labor Studies
Labor Studies students expand their knowledge of labor history and the contemporary labor movement, including labor law. They deepen their understanding of working-class life, culture, and consciousness and will also develop leadership skills for grievance-handling and arbitration, negotiation, and collective bargaining. The program is ideally suited for 1180 members who are interested in advocating for workers’ rights on the job and in coalition with the broader community.
Topics of discussion also include:
- Workers’ rights
- Challenges facing the contemporary labor movement
- Issues of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation at the workplace
- The global economy and its effect on workers worldwide
- Labor law and its impact on organizing and labor-management relations
- Union governance and union democracy
- Strategies for union organizing and political mobilization
- The role of unions in local, national, and international politics
- Recent labor victories and the future of organized labor
Degree and Certificate Programs in the Labor Leadership Program: