Academic Policies and Procedures are good guidelines to help students understand their right and responsibilities, navigate common academic tasks, such as major change, credit transfers and more. Please browse bellow links for more information on specific topics.

25 West 43rd Street, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10036
As you learn more about your preferences and abilities, you may decide to change your major.
The CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies has added a procedure for students to submit change of major for our undergraduate BA programs. Change of major from Labor Studies to Urban Studies or from Urban Studies to Labor Studies is by approval of department chair of the receiving department, following a consultation with undergraduate advisor.
- Change of Major Undergraduate Form (Undergraduate Matriculated Students ONLY) once completed email to
In the academic community, grades are a measure of student achievement toward fulfillment of course objectives. The responsibility for assessing student achievement and assigning grades rests with the faculty, and, except for unusual circumstances, the course grade given is final.
The grade appeals system affords recourse to a student who has evidence or believes that evidence exists to show that an inappropriate grade has been assigned as a result of error, or that the method of assigning the grade is inconsistent with the method of assigning grades to other students.
The CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies (CUNY SLU) is responsible for determining the requirements and standards of performance for courses and for qualifying examinations CUNY SLU course instructors retain considerable discretion in these matters. The instructor is under obligation, however, to ensure that her/his course syllabus is consistent with the goals of the curriculum of the course. The grading standards in a given course shall reflect levels of difficulty related to the educational objectives of the program.
Instructors have an obligation to students to make clear the basis of evaluation (e.g., reading assignments, student’s written submissions, contributions to class discussions, and presentations) at the start of each course so that students are not surprised by unexpected or untimely demands. Grades on examinations or for work in a course are the responsibility of the instructor.
Grade Appeal Procedures
A student who wishes to appeal a grade must initiate the process in the full semester following the semester in which the contested grade was received. Spring and Summer Session courses must be appealed during the following Fall semester, while Fall and Winter session courses must be appealed during the following Spring semester before the last day to withdraw and receive a “W” grade. Appeals that are not initiated by these deadlines will not be considered.
If a student believes that an error was made in the assignment of a grade, she/he should engage in Level 1 of the grade appeal process: speaking with the instructor of the course within 30 days following the posting of the grade. An email message or note requesting an appointment and explaining the problem will give the faculty member an opportunity to gather the appropriate course materials, papers, exams or other submissions so that the ensuing conversation can be meaningful. As a result of this conversation, a faculty member may correct an error and change the grade. If the problem is not resolved between the student and faculty member, the student may then elevate the communication to include the department chair, which constitutes Level 2 of the grade appeal process.
If, after Levels 1 and 2 of the grade appeal process, the issue remains unresolved, the student may initiate a formal grade appeal by completing and submitting a Level 3 Grade Appeal Form to
This written Level 3 appeal must be received within 15 days after the completion of Level 2; thus initiating a process with the Academic Appeals Committee. The Academic Appeals Committee will make a decision within 30 days of meeting with all pertinent stakeholders. This Level 3 decision by the Academic Appeals Committee is final.
Be aware that the grade appeal process may result in the awarding of a lower grade than that which the student originally received.
- Department Chair of Labor Studies – Dr. Stephanie Luce,
- Department Chair of Urban Studies – Dr. Steven London,
A student may request a grade of incomplete for a course from their faculty member. To be eligible, the student must have completed over 50 percent of the work required for the course by the time the request is made. If the faculty member agrees to grant an incomplete, the student and faculty member must fill out a incomplete grade form stating the due date for the remaining material owed in the class. The faculty member will submit an incomplete grade (“INC”) for that semester.
An INC is a temporary grade. The outstanding work must be completed by the end of the following fall or spring semester. If the work is not completed on time, the INC is converted to a permanent grade of FIN on the record. The course instructor may grant the INC at the request of the student if participation requirements have been met and the only outstanding work is a paper, project, or examination. The instructor has the right to refuse a request, and can set a time limit for completion that is shorter than the end of the following semester. When the course work is completed and the final grade received, the INC grade will be replaced; a notation will be made on the student’s transcript on the date of change.
- Faculty Directory
- Chair of Urban Studies – Dr. Steven London,
- Chair of Labor Studies – Dr. Stephanie Luce,
Students may request a leave of absence from their program, for up to two semesters. They must submit an SLU Leave of Absence Form. A student must be in good academic standing. Credit earned while on leave will not be accepted toward the degree or certificate unless prior approval has been obtained.
Note that taking a leave of absence can impact the student loan repayment timeline. Students who have an outstanding federal student loan or loan deferral for their undergraduate and/or graduate studies should contact the Office of Financial Aid before requesting a leave of absence to ensure that they understand the full financial impact.
- Department Chair of Urban Studies
Dr. Steven London - Department Chair of Labor Studies
Dr. Stephanie Luce
The grade of “P” or “NC” may be given as part of a ‘Pass/No Pass/No Credit’ agreement between a student and instructor. In order to receive this grade, a student needs to continue participating in academically related activities, complete all assignments, and take the final exam. If a passing grade is earned (A+ through D-), the student will receive a grade of ‘P’ and credit for the course with no impact on GPA. If a failing grade is earned (F), the student will receive a grade of NC/NP which does not affect the GPA. Students must remain in compliance with Federal and State Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines.
Students requesting grading according to this system must still satisfy all requirements regarding attendance, assignments, and examinations set by the instructor. Course requirements and standards are the same as in the letter grading system, but P/NC grades carry no quality points and therefore are not counted when a student’s GPA is calculated by the College/School.
Students must consult with their advisors to confirm course is available for P/NC option. Students must declare P/NC by the “Last day to drop a course with a grade of W” as listed in the Academic Calendar. Completed Pass/No Credit Option Election Form must be submitted via email to
Education Law Section 224-a, stating the rights and privileges of students unable to attend classes on certain days because of religious beliefs, appears below, as mandated by New York State law.
- No person shall be expelled from or be refused admission as a student for the reason that he or she is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to register or attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day or days.
- Any student who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study, or work requirements.
- It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and the administrative officials to make available to each student who is absent from school because of his or her religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or to make up any examination, study, or work requirements, which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
- If registration, classes, examinations, study, or work requirements are held on Friday after four o’clock post meridian or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study, or work requirements or opportunity to register shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practicable to do so. No special fees shall be charged to the student for these classes, examinations, study, or work requirements held on other days.
- In effectuating the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his/her availing himself/herself of the provisions of this section.
- Any student who is aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which the institution is located for the enforcement of his or her rights under this section.
Mission of the CUNY SLU Accessibility/Disability Services is to ensure a comprehensively accessible college experience for all students with disabilities.
Building Accessibility
The campus of the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies (SLU) occupies the 18th and 19th floors of a commercial building located at 25 West 43rd Street/28 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036. This building has entrances on both 43rd and 44th Streets, with accessible doors operated by button at each entrance. While the 43rd Street entrance is street level to the elevators, there are four (4) steps up to the elevators from 44th Street and there is a wheelchair ramp to facilitate accessibility from the 44th Street entrance.
SLU Campus Accessibility
There is elevator access to and between the 18th and 19th floors. Each floor is level with no interior stairs. The 19th floor has two (2) multi-user restrooms, one (1) designated for people who identify as male and one (1) designated for people who identify as female, each with one (1) accessible stall. The 18th floor also has one (1) multi-user restroom designated for people who identify as male and one (1) mutli-user restroom for people who identify as female, each with one (1) accessible stall. On the 18th floor only, there is one (1) additional restroom – an all-gender, fully accessible single-user bathroom.
For all inquiries contact
Academic Standing
The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is the numerical equivalent of a letter grade. Graduate students are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher each semester to be in good academic standing and to graduate. Graduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed in one of the following categories: academic warning, academic probation, or dismissal based on a review of academic records by a committee comprised of faculty, student affairs staff, and the registrar.
Academic Warning
Graduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 after one (1) semester will be placed on academic warning at the end of the fall/spring semester. Students will receive an academic warning notification and will be required to meet with their academic advisor to create an academic success plan.
Academic Probation
Graduate students whose cumulative GPA remain below 3.0 for two (2) consecutive semesters, will be placed on academic probation at the end of the second semester. Students will receive an academic probation notification and will be required to meet with their academic advisor to create an academic success plan. Students on academic probation will see an “Academic Probation” notation on their record in CUNYFirst.
All students on academic warning and academic probation may be required to:
- Register for a reduced course load or specific course (s).
- Attend advisement sessions with their assigned academic advisor.
- Attend an Academic Success workshop designed to help students get back on track to meet academic goals.
Academic Dismissal
Graduate students whose cumulative GPA remain below 3.0 for three (3) consecutively enrolled semesters will be dismissed at the end of the fall/spring semester for a period of one academic year (2 semesters). Students will receive an academic dismissal notification and will see a “Dismissal” notation on their record in CUNYFirst.
Students may submit an appeal for immediate reinstatement to the Student Academic Appeals Committee.
Academic Standing
The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is the numerical equivalent of a letter grade. Undergraduate students are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher each semester to be in good academic standing and to graduate. Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed in one of the following categories: academic warning, academic probation, or dismissal based on a review of academic records by a committee comprised of faculty, student affairs staff, and the registrar.
Academic Warning
Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 after one (1) semester will be placed on academic warning at the end of the fall/spring semester. Students will receive an academic warning notification and will be required to meet with their academic advisor to create an academic success plan.
Academic Probation
Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA remain below 2.0 for two (2) consecutive semesters, will be placed on academic probation at the end of the second semester. Students will receive an academic probation notification and will be required to meet with their academic advisor to create an academic success plan. Students on academic probation will see an “Academic Probation” notation on their record in CUNYFirst.
All students on academic warning and academic probation may be required to:
- Register for a reduced course load or specific course (s).
- Attend advisement sessions with their assigned academic advisor.
- Attend an Academic Success workshop designed to help students get back on track to meet academic goals.
Academic Dismissal
Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA remain below 2.0 for three (3) consecutively enrolled semesters will be dismissed at the end of the fall/spring semester for a period of one academic year (2 semesters). Students will receive an academic dismissal notification and will see a “Dismissal” notation on their record in CUNYFirst.
Students may submit an appeal for immediate reinstatement to the Student Academic Appeals Committee.
The graduate student’s CUNY SLU grade (A, B, C, or F) reflects assessment by the instructor of key course components. The following grades are assigned:
Letter Grade | Ranges % | GPA |
A | 93-100 | 4 |
A- | 90-92.9 | 3.7 |
B+ | 87-89.9 | 3.3 |
B | 83-86.9 | 3 |
B- | 80-82.9 | 2.7 |
C+ | 77-79.9 | 2.3 |
C | 70-76.9 | 2 |
F | <70 | 0 |
AUD – Auditor, listener.
INC – Incomplete. This is a temporary grade. The outstanding work must be completed by end of the following fall or spring semester. If the work is not completed by the end of the following semester, the INC is converted to a permanent grade of F on the record. The course instructor may grant the INC at the request of the student if participation requirements have been met and the only outstanding work is a paper, project, or examination. The instructor has the right to refuse a request, and can set a time limit for completion that is shorter than the end of the following semester. When the course work is completed and the final grade received, the INC grade will be replaced; a notation will be made on the student’s transcript of the date of change. Effective Fall 2021 Incompletes unresolved in the above–mentioned time–period will become FIN in students’ records and may not be changed thereafter.
W – Withdrawal. A permanent grade requested by the student after the Add/Drop period, and before the deadline in the academic calendar. This grade is assigned by the Student Services at the written request of the student. It does not affect the grade point average.
WA – Administrative Withdrawal. This grade, which does not affect the grade point average, is administratively assigned.
WN – Never attended. Calculated as the equivalent of an “W” in the GPA.
WU – Unofficial Withdrawal. Used when class participation has been established at least once in a term. Effective Fall 2021, WU grade will not have punitive impact on student’s GPA. WU grade will continue to be used to denote Unofficial Withdrawal.
Satisfactory Academic Progress & Appeals
- The minimum passing grade in a graduate course is a C. Students need a B or better average In order to graduate with a master’s degree at CUNY, and must maintain a B or better average every semester attending. If the GPA in any semester falls below a B, the student will be placed on probation until such time as the average is raised above a B. Conditions for students on probation that will enable them to raise their GPA will be determined by the graduate degree program they are seeking.
- Students who receive a failing grade (F, or an INC that reverts to an FIN if not completed) can repeat the same course at CUNY SLU. If the grade obtained is a B or better, the student may petition the Registrar to drop the grade of F from the computation of the GPA. The failing grade remains on the transcript. The F-Replacement option can be used for only one graduate course at CUNY SLU. This F-Replacement option cannot be used for an F resulting from an academic integrity violation.
The undergraduate grades reflect assessment by the instructor of key course components. The following grades are assigned with their corresponding point values:
Letter Grade | Ranges % | GPA |
A | 93 – 100 | 4 |
A- | 90 – 92.9 | 3.7 |
B+ | 87 – 89.9 | 3.3 |
B | 83 – 86.9 | 3 |
B- | 80 – 82.9 | 2.7 |
C+ | 77 – 79.9 | 2.3 |
C | 73 – 76.9 | 2 |
C- | 70 – 72.9 | 1.7 |
D | 60 – 69.9 | 1 |
F | < 60 | 0 |
Auditor, listener.
Incomplete. This is a temporary grade. The outstanding work must be completed by end of the following fall or spring semester. If the work is not completed by the end of the following semester, the INC is converted to a permanent grade of FIN on the record. The course instructor may grant the INC at the request of the student if participation requirements have been met and the only outstanding work is a paper, project, or examination. The instructor has the right to refuse a request, and can set a time limit for completion that is shorter than the end of the following semester. When the course work is completed and the final grade received, the INC grade will be replaced; a notation will be made on the student’s transcript of the date of change. Effective Fall 2021 – Incompletes unresolved in the above–mentioned time–period will become FIN in students’ records and may not be changed thereafter.
Withdrawal. A permanent grade requested by the student after the Add/Drop period, and before the deadline in the academic calendar. This grade is assigned by Student Services at the written request of the student. It does not affect the grade point average.
Administrative Withdrawal. This grade, which does not affect the grade point average, is administratively assigned.
Never attended. Calculated as the equivalent of an “W” in the GPA.
Unofficial Withdrawal. Used when class participation has been established at least once in a term. Effective Fall 2021, WU grade will not have punitive impact on student’s GPA. WU grade will continue to be used to denote Unofficial Withdrawal.
Note: Some programs have additional grade requirements. Refer to the program curriculum pages for specific requirements.
University policy concerning the repeat of courses in which a student has earned a grade of ``F`` or ``FIN``
When an undergraduate student receives the earned academic grade of “F,” “FIN” or an administrative failing grade, and that student subsequently retakes that course and receives a grade of “C” or better, the initial grade of “F” will no longer be computed into the cumulative grade point average. The “F” will remain on the transcript. The number of failing credits that can be deleted from the grade point average calculation shall be limited to 16 for the duration of the student’s undergraduate enrollment in the institutions of The City University of New York (CUNY).
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students are expected to make satisfactory academic progress. Generally, undergraduate programs throughout CUNY expect applicants to present an academic record with a minimum 2.0 GPA. A student is considered in good academic standing and making good academic progress when he/she has completed all coursework and exams in accordance with faculty instructions, no later than the last day of the examination period and has earned a GPA of at least 2.0. In certain circumstances, a student may find it necessary to request a grade of Incomplete (INC), in accordance with the rules above. All INC grades must be completed by the end of the following fall or spring semester or the grade will be converted to F. If the course is repeated, it will be a new registration and a second grade on the academic record.
When a student has accumulated more than one incomplete or a GPA below 2.0, he or she may be ineligible to continue in the program since satisfactory academic progress is not being made. Under certain circumstances, a student may be required to carry a reduced course load to improve the GPA or be required to postpone further registration until the INC grades are completed. Typically, students may register for additional courses with one INC grade. Of course, all such academic reviews take into consideration individual circumstances and the potential for improvement.
In addition to academic consequences, failure to make satisfactory academic progress may have implications for the award of financial aid.