All financial aid funds will disburse to the school first. The different types of financial aid may have different disbursements dates. Financial aid disbursements almost always occur on Mondays. If the financial aid disbursement leads to a credit balance on a student account, that credit balance would be issued as a refund, typically on a Friday. We highly recommend that student sign up for direct deposit for their financial aid refunds.


CUNY-SLU Financial Aid
Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue Room 7201
New York, NY 10016
(877) 428-6942 | (212) 817-7460

2024-2025 (FALL 2024 and SPRING 2025)

Type of Award First Disbursement Second Disbursement
Fall Pell 08/19/24
Fall and Spring loans 09/09/24 02/02/25
Fall Only Loans 09/09/24
Fall TAP 09/30/24
Spring Pell 01/15/25
Spring Only Loans 02/02/25
Spring TAP 03/03/25

An important point regarding loans: If your loan covers the entire year (fall and spring), the loan will be issued in two equal disbursements, split between fall and spring. If, however, you request a loan for one semester only, the funds will disburse in two disbursements during that semester.

Disclaimer on dates: Please note that these dates reflect the first available disbursement date for each type of aid. Late applications or outstanding item’s on your Student Center to do list, will lead to later disbursements. Please also note that these dates refer to the date that the funds will disburse to the school.  Refunds of credit balances are generally processed the Friday after the disbursement date.