Students may receive academic credit for their prior learning achieved by credentials earned outside a college setting and/or non-credit coursework. Student training and/or certification in some areas will be eligible to receive a pre-established credit award amount while in other areas the amount needs to be determined.

Students can view how areas of their non-collegiate learning will transfer in as credit for SLU course equivalencies on TREX (CUNY Transfer Explorer), searching under SLU’s ”Trainings and Exams” pull down.

Credit award amounts that are previously determined for prior learning in certain organization-specific training programs. The American Council on Education (ACE) and the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCR) evaluate non-collegiate learning and recommend set credit amounts for military and police training, certain industry credentials, and specific licensures from the military, government, private industry, and the public sector.  CUNY colleges offer credit for knowledge and experience gained through military service using credit recommendations from the ACE Military Guide, Joint Services Transcript (JST), DSST Credit-by-Exam Program (DSST), and the Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPT).

To learn more about ACE and NCCRS credit award determination for non-collegiate learning, visit the ACE National Guide for Learners Seeking Credit and NCCRS Students information websites.

Credit awards for non-collegiate learning that are not previously determined.  For other non-collegiate learning (credentialing), not evaluated by ACE or NCCRS, Professional Learning Evaluations (PLEs) will be conducted by SLU to determine the award of credit, based on the ten standards developed by the Consortium for the Assessment of College Equivalence (CACE).

Non-credit college-level courses–for example, those completed in Continuing Education programs–may also qualify for credit, based on the decision of the academic department.


Steve Greenfeld, Ph.D.
Room 1417
(646) 313-8330