Welcome to the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) that supports the mission of the School of Labor and Urban Studies, as it strives to offer an educational environment that embraces access, diversity, and social justice. The Office of Academic Affairs promotes excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, professional service, and community engagement. The Office is responsible for supporting the work of the faculty, whose teaching, scholarship, and service are the foundation of the intellectual community that is the cornerstone of student success.
Office of Academic Affairs
25 West 43rd Street, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10036
The mission of Academic Affairs is to remain faithful to the mission of the School of Labor and Urban Studies. Academic Affairs thus seeks to provide an environment in- and outside the classroom that is resolutely committed to the principle for creating “a unique partnership between the City University of New York, organized labor, worker centers, and community-based organizations for the purpose of: Expanding higher education opportunities for workers and those interested in studying about labor, and poor and working- class communities; and Serving as a resource for students, scholars, those in organized labor, and allied organizations seeking a deeper understanding of work, workers, and urban issues.” This is the real promise we offer our students: If you have the ability and training to see the value of education and apply it, you will find the creative power to directly engage the world. And this will have a direct bearing on all you wish to accomplish.