City Works is a monthly news magazine program produced by the Murphy Institute at CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies (SLU) in collaboration with CUNY TV and hosted by Laura Flanders. The show’s mission is to create a visual and thematic presentation of work, workers, and worker organizations. Episodes include topical examinations of the changing nature of work, tributes to unsung heroes, and analysis of the enduring challenges faced by workers. The show spotlights the vast array of occupations of working people across New York City, and explores individual and collective efforts to make a better life for workers and a more prosperous and equitable society.

Air Time City Works airs Mon. – Thur. at 12 noon (new episodes premiere on the first Monday of the month).

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Captive Labor Forcing Prisoners to Work

On this episode of City Works, host Laura Flanders speaks to Calvin John Smiley, Associate Professor of Sociology at Hunter College, and Bianca Tylek, Founder and Executive Director of Worth Rises, to talk about what some have labeled the last remnant of legal slavery in America: prison labor. The three discuss the history of forced prison labor, how it hurts both those inside and outside of prison, and what is being done to finally end this centuries-long practice.

Previous Episodes


Headshot of Laura Flanders Laura Flanders (@GRITlaura) is the author of several bestselling books, the host of the nationally-syndicated public television (and radio) show Laura Flanders & Friends, a contributing writer to The Nation Magazine, and the recipient of a 2019 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship. She lives with her partner, the action-hero Elizabeth Streb in New York. She is the founding host of City Works.

Production Team

The show is a collaboration between CUNY TV and CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies. Chiqui Cartagena, the station’s Interim Executive Director and Gregory Mantsios, the School’s Dean are executive producers. Rose Imperato is a co-producer along with Joseph Montalbano of CUNY TV, and Sarah Watson, Director of the Murphy Institute is a consulting producer.


The City University of New York’s television station, CUNY TV, has been educating and informing viewers for more than three decades. Established in 1985, the station has steadily increased its ambition and scope, in 2009 transitioning to high definition and adding over-the-air broadcasting to its existing cable distribution. Now reaching 7.3 million broadcast households in the New York metro area, CUNY TV is committed to extending the academic mission of the university to offer lifelong learning opportunities to all New Yorkers.