• SLU Professor Cameron Black Wins BRES Fellowship to Explore the Labor Legacy of Black Student-Athletes

    October 9, 2024 | Alumni

    College athletes bring in millions of dollars of revenue to their schools, but only in recent years have legal authorities opened the door to viewing them as college “employees” rather than students. SLU Assistant Professor of Labor Studies Cameron Black, however, has found that Black college athletes involved in 20th-century protest movements often were managed […]

  • SLU Alumni Featured In CUNY’s Inaugural 50 Under 50 Alumni List

    August 13, 2024 | Alumni

    Two SLU alumni have been recognized in CUNY’s inaugural 50 Under 50 alumni list, which celebrates exceptional graduates who have made significant strides in their respective fields over the past year. The inaugural group of honorees includes trailblazers, leaders, and innovators who are shaping the future and contributing to the University’s enduring legacy.

  • Alumni Spotlight: Kerwin Simon

    March 12, 2024 | Alumni

    For Kerwin Simon, the chaos of Covid led to clarity around his academic and professional pursuits. “For those of us who work in healthcare, Covid was one of the saddest times,” Kerwin says. “We were putting bodies into trailers outside the hospital. A doctor said to me, ‘it’s tragic that all these people are ultimately dying of things that can be controlled, like diabetes and high blood pressure.

  • Alumni Spotlight: Koffi Bentum, Doorways and Dreams

    February 28, 2024 | Alumni

    “To get from there to here, it is about persistence, yes, but it is also about the support I’ve gotten along the way,” says Koffi Bentum, who graduated from SLU with a Bachelor of Arts in 2021, and speaks very highly of the networking, academic support and flexibility he found at SLU – not to mention the school’s mission, which is grounded in social justice and public service.

  • Alumni Spotlight: Eugene Patron Putting His Certificate to Work

    December 13, 2023 | Alumni

    Eugene Patron’s enthusiasm and positivity about his CUNY SLU experience shines brightly. “What I learned in the program was spot on!” he says. He received the Advanced Certificate in Leading Change in Healthcare Systems in 2022. “Each week we talked about how to apply what we were learning at work.